Back in April 2020, I had this to say about my decision to set up the Red’s Kingdom blog:

“If I can be said to have an ambition for this blog, it’s simply this: to build another inter-connected world of sights and sounds – however loosely connected! I’m going to be talking about projects old and new, and I’m hoping to invite some of the creative people I know and work with to feature as guest authors and artists. I’m pretty sure I’ll be talking a bit about the stuff I’m watching too and gathering in some of the writing I’ve published elsewhere. In short, this blog will seek to be a coalition of elective creative activity – mine, and other people’s. I’m very much looking forward to throwing open the door to Red’s Kingdom and inviting you to accompany me on my continuing adventures in sight and sound…”

But as it turns out, I made a mistake back then, for while it’s true Red’s Kingdom has indeed developed into ‘coalition of eclectic creative activity’, in no small part due to the wonderful contributions of the Kingdom’s many and diverse Kick-Abouters, I missed something out. When I invited visitors to the blog to accompany me on ‘my continuing adventures in sight and sound’, I should have added ‘scent’ into the mix too.

Making scented soy wax candles in my kitchen in Whitstable

Over the past year, and prior to the UK’s first lock-down, when I suspect many people’s thoughts turned to the therapeutic value of making, I’ve been developing an idea for a range of scented candles. Written down in black and white like that, I can’t help but reflect on how improbable that may sound – certainly to those who know me well, and even more so to those people who only know me from what I choose to put out on here. Are these scented candles somehow a bit uncanny, perhaps? Do they have a nasty surprise in them, an unwelcome bit of grit, or chink of razor blade? Are they somehow spooky, or kooky or fragranced bizarrely? Nope.

That said, this particular project has been an exercise in the art of conjuring, a magical act of sorts, of seeking to isolate the olfactory character of a particular place – and specific moments in that particular place – and capture them in creamy containers of soy wax.

The particular place in question is ‘The Old French House’, the rooms of which might be familiar to some on here as the settings for my various forays into long-exposure photography. Whenever I visit this old stone-walled farmhouse, I am encouraged to respond to its atmosphere, silence, privacy and space in different ways. It was here, for example, the powerful sunlight and surrounding plants worked together to produce these cyanotypes. It was here too I wrote the screenplay for the animation that gives this blog its name. It was at the big wooden table I wrote – and rewrote! – the manuscript for my children’s adventure Chimera Book 1, often working late into the night, the heat of the day leaving all the old wood of the house in sighs and creaks. It was here too, I was taken so suddenly by something as prosaic as a pool cover clogged with winter leaves.

The Old French House

In addition to all these other responses, there has always been my keen relationship to the smell of the old French house, combinations of herbs, old wood, green wood, smoke, citrus, geraniums; dry, aromatic scents, cooler botanical fragrances, and all the combinations thereof. It is what heat and time and rest smells like. It’s the fragrance of basking, of unfilled hours.

In truth, I see little difference between this project and, say, all those long-exposure photographs, in so much as I’m trying to capture something intangible. Okay, less pretentiously, I wanted to create some really lovely candles that smell like you’re on holiday, and set about doing just that through an iterative process of mixing essential oils, wick sizes and containers until I was happy with the result. My long-suffering husband was charged with walking in – and out – of rooms, to gauge the success or otherwise of each new combination, and my mum and stepdad stumped up some of the developmental costs, a family affair indeed!

With support and guidance from Whitstable’s number one florist and lifestyle guru, Jane at Graham Greener, I was able to trial the range on other people’s noses (said florist’s husband, for example!) and their feedback was great, giving me the confidence to take everything a bit further.

The eight fragrances in The Old French House range of soy wax candles.

Long story short, the candles are now stocked at Graham Greener here in Whitstable and, as of this week, The Old House Candle Company has a website and online shop. (Notice I’m missing out all the anecdotes about producing candles that a) didn’t burn or b) smelled strange. I did all those things and more). This is a small ‘cottage industry’ operation, with everything produced in small batches, and produced simply and with a minimum of fiddle – and unfortunately the candles are only available in the UK – so if you’re reading this somewhere further flung, apologies in advance.

Ultimately, my plan is to develop other ‘Old House’ ranges – for example, ‘The Old Victorian Glasshouse’ – think orange blossom and lime – so the site takes its inspiration from the romance of old spaces in general, with their worn surfaces and simple comforts, and from the following quote from Gaston Bachelard’s The Poetics of Space:

“The house shelters day-dreaming, the house protects the dreamer, the house allows one to dream in peace.”

9 responses to “The Old House Candle Company”

  1. Amazing Phil! It’s lovely to know the tranquil old French house has cooked up all these creative endeavours and maybe the candles will ignite something similar in its aromas? I’m thinking Bay Laurel, Cyprus and Cedarwood, sounds delicious! X

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Sounds just right for these times. I got two scented candles recently as gifts, and how wonderful they are to light on a winter’s night! I love your mixtures too. (K)

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Hey Kerfe – I know, grandiose though it likely sounds, I do think a good scented candle – fragrance and light – is as transforming of a place as a great song or favourite film, or go-to jumper! In other news, we’re getting a big dump of snow tonight apparently! I’m weirdly excited, not least because I’m hoping I can get out and photograph a few more fields! 😀


  4. […] The Old House Candle Company — Red’s Kingdom […]

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  5. Thanks to Phil Cooper for bringing this to our attention, I am missing my French holiday cottages (not my own but rented ones I hasten to add) and shall be ordering some of these to waken the senses and take me back to hazy days and glorious scents, until we can safely travel again to the Lot et Garonne region. What a wonderful idea. Thank you x

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hey Jacqui, thanks so for your interest and enthusiasm… order just received! Thank you so much for your support and for finding your way here from Phil Cooper’s blog Hedgecrows. Right then, I’ve got a spot of boxing up to do!

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Phil, I’m wishing you every success with your new business. I’ve just been for an initial explore at your website, prompted by Phil’s post at Hedgecrows, and you captured me, at first glance, with your use of one of my favourite Gaston Bachelard quotes, who is responsible for giving the emotions of home a philosophy and whose books I have returned to many times in this season of wintering for the world.

    I am currently engaged in building ‘a nest for dreaming, a shelter for imagining’ where the seer of my imagination, The Curious One, can dwell, so please expect an order from me when I decide which of your candles I am going to try first. I can’t think of a better portal to my own memories, associations and imaginings of houses than with one of your evocative scents designed to capture those places where we find that we are often most deeply ourselves. Happy house dreaming to you!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you – and yes, though it might seem ‘a bit much’ to invoke Bachelard in the same breath as ‘soy wax’, the whole reason people seek a scented candle is to effect some kind of underwriting of their homes and houses and spaces; to bring something out or cast something out (kippers, maybe!?). Anyway, thanks so much for your interest and support! It’s appreciated.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Phil, Gaston Bachelard’s ‘The Flame of a Candle’ has been one of the books I have kept beside my bedside to dip in and out of this winter, so I wanted to reply to tell you that I feel you are doing yourself a disservice to imagine that he wouldn’t approve of someone still wanting to turn wax into light in 2021 in such a poetic and thoughtful way. I am intending to enjoy the many pleasures of reverie by indulging in some wondering and wandering in the remaining weeks of winter, inspired by my first purchase of an Old House candle yesterday evening. Whilst doing so, I will be recalling another of my favourite quotes from Gaston Bachelard which I hope you don’t mind me sharing with you here to wish you well with your new venture, “Long ago, in a long ago even dreams themselves have forgotten, the flame of a candle made wise men think; it provided the solitary philosopher with a thousand dreams.”

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