Dr Tereza Stehlikova works as an artist, filmmaker and a senior lecturer. She holds a PhD from the Royal College of Art, where she researched the tactile language of moving image. She is currently engaged in a cross-disciplinary research, investigating how moving image can be used to communicate embodied experience. Stehlikova is a senior lecturer in still and moving image theory and practice, at the University of Westminster and also supervises PhD students at the Royal College of Art. 

Dr Stehlikova’s Tangible Territory is “a platform that offers a space for various voices to meet and discuss themes relating to the role of the body, the importance of place and embodied experience, in giving meaning to our every day experience of life and art. In the long run, the aim of this endeavour is to build an open community, where certain key values are celebrated, explored, promoted. These include the importance of the whole body in making sense of our human condition, the role of imagination in offering scenarios beyond those that exist and the effects of place/space on our internal realities.”

Each new issue of the Tangible Territory journal is curated around a specific theme; the latest edition focuses on ‘play’, and it was with this in mind I submitted a proposal about The Kick-About, which, at that point, had just reached its third anniversary. I asked some of the regular Kick-Abouters to say a thing or two about the importance of play and pick one example of their Kick-About submissions by way of an example.  You can read their thoughts and insights here.

2 responses to “Jumpers For Goalposts: Three Years Of Kicking It About / Tangible Territory Journal Issue 6”

  1. It’s a great article Phil. Thanks for inviting me to participate! (K)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Agreed – Lovely to see the Kick About getting out there!

      Liked by 2 people

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