The Kick-About No.96 is inspired by the colourful paper creations of Maud Vantours. With Vantoursโ€™ work putting me in mind of geography โ€“ contour maps and geological strata โ€“ I wondered how I could fold or concertina as much landscape as possible into one composition. My images this week were created by taking a great big wodge of ordinance survey maps and tourist guides from the bookshelf next to my desk and scanning their spines and sandwiched terrains. By lifting the block of maps off the glass mid-scan, I was able to produce all these interesting gaps, breaks and smears. It soon proved to be an addictive process.

3 responses to “Strata #1 (2024)”

  1. Wow Phil! You really don’t need a lot to make striking stuff happen! X

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Indeed – a classic Kick-About in that sense!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Inspirational, as usual. (K)

    Liked by 1 person

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