This week’s Kick-About was catalysed by the gorgeous and characterful artwork of Atsuko Tanaka, which had me popping off the lids on those tiny pots of enamel paint and pouring some Tanaka-inspired pools and puddles onto some thick acrylic sheet.

After that, I wanted to somehow three-dimensionalise these blobs, because I was imagining Tanaka’s artworks as molecules in a space. I took some of my photographs into film editing software and worked with them to ‘bend’ the photographs into floating forms. I quickly got this sense of them as floating deep down in the dark of some plankton-rich trench, so I introduced some ‘silt’ or particles-in-suspension to produce a bit more dynamism. Once again, I could feel my previous life working on an animation degree surfacing, as my ‘blobs’ began to anthropomorphise into jolly Pixar things, likely communicating with one another, ‘Clangers-style’...

3 responses to “After Tanaka #2 (2024)”

  1. Funky Little Critters! The Clangers video unlocked a hidden memory within me – I adored those mouse things and their whistles!


  2. More colour-fun! Clangers? Goodness, you’ve thrown me right back to the early 70’s reminding me of that great character, The Soup Dragon! (Oliver Postgate! Peter Firmin! Amazing).

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    1. I know, The Clangers, right? A cutting-edge cultural reference… 😀

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